84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

Author: Brad McKinney

Church of Christ

Noah- Man of Faith, Character, and Perseverance

Our next great example of Perseverance is one of the greatest examples of “Long Suffering” and “Enduring Perseverance,” the man Noah!  We will learn that Noah was a man of great faith, faithfulness, righteous character, and enduring perseverance.  We will discover he had a faith very similar to Abraham the father of the faithful.  We…
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Job’s Example of Great Endurance & Perseverance

As we close in on the end of the year we will finish by examining several examples of great men and women of character who faithfully endure hardship and ill treatment without wavering.  This morning we will take a closer look at the man Job.  James speaks of him as one of the great examples…
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Great Examples of Perseverance from both the Old and New Testaments

Good Lord’s Day Morning Brethren!  As we near the end of the year and our annual theme of “The Power of Perseverance” we will turn our attention some great examples of perseverance from both the Old and New Testaments.  To introduce this mini-series of lessons we will examining the passage from James 5:1-11.  We will…
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Pray for His Presence, Power, and Perseverance!

As we move on to our last series for our this year’s theme, The Power of Perseverance, I will begin with prayer… a sermon on how to pray for perseverance for ourselves and for the brethren.  The title of the sermon “Pray for His Presence, Power, and Perseverance!”   We will discover the reason we should…
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Prepare to Endure- Consider Jesus

We will be concluding our mini series titled “The Power of Perseverance- Preparing to Endure!”  This morning’s sermon Is titled “Consider Jesus…!”   We are told by the writer of Hebrews that we need to fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.  This is exactly what we will do this morning…
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Prepare to Endure-The Only Way to Win

This morning we turn our attention not so much on preparation but rather performance.  As we learned last week, “The Race” that is set before us is a life of faithfulness, manifesting the glorious and magnificent character of Christ Jesus in our every word and deed.  The question is how do we accomplish running the…
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Prepare to Endure- Let Us Run the Race

Let us run with endurance the race that is set before! is the title of my sermon this morning.  Honestly brethren as I studied for this morning’s sermon I was a bit overwhelmed.  I now better understand what Jesus was talking about in Luke 14:25-33.  Those who are Christians and those who desire to become…
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Prepare to Endure – Lay Aside the Sin…!

Thank you for joining us this morning for Sunday Assembly on 10/3/2021.

Sunday Assembly 9/26/2021 with Brian Bragg

Thank you for joining us this morning. Today, Brian Bragg will be preaching about adversity.

Sunday Assembly 9/19/21 with Matt Keikkala

Thank you for joining us for Sunday Assembly on 9/19/21, Matt Keikkala has a great sermon prepared for today.