Transforming lives through the gospel of Christ’s glory.
Come Fellowship with us at Pleasant Hill Church of Christ
Online Service Can Be Viewed On Our Facebook Page

Bible Class: am-10 -11:00 am (available online)
Morning Assembly:
11:15am – 12:30pm (available online)
6:00pm – 7:00pm (available online)
(Sun Evening Assembly is located at a families home, see our printed calendars for location)
7:00pm – 8:00pm (available online)
(Wed Evening Assembly is located at a families home, see our printed calendars for location)
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our members and visitors say:
We began attending Pleasant Hill Church of Christ about one year ago. One of our first impressions, which has only deepened, is how kind everyone is. There is a very deep sense of family in this congregation that is fostered by Mr. Compton. Every week people write notes of encouragement to others. And Mr. Compton reads them out loud. That is a very special way to build the body. We were also immediately impressed with the teaching. It starts with opening the Bible and reading a passage not just grabbing a single verse to build a sermon.
Mike Nordtvedt
We came out to Pleasant Hill as singles nearly 30 years ago and found a home. We got married and chose to raise our two daughters (now grown) here in this church family. They grew up with friends that have become lifelong friends!
At Pleasant Hill, we are truly a family. Folks are positive and encouraging and welcoming. We especially love that the teaching is solid and Biblically based. There are a variety of teaching styles, but all the ministers preach and teach solid Scriptural concepts that seem to be lacking in churches today.
We are a service-oriented congregation and all styles of service are encouraged. This is the place to be if what you’re interested in being a part of a family that serves God by serving others!
Kirk & Melissa Parks
What an amazing church family. We have been part of the church for a couple years and our family has seen growth not only by attending assembly, but through meeting each week for bible study with Bill, and learning from the teachings of the word.
If you are thinking of coming and checking out our assembly this is a great place to learn and be part of a congregation who is dedicated to living the principles in the bible.