84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

Trust in the LORD, Who is Our Trust!

Church of Christ

Trust in the LORD, Who is Our Trust!

This morning we will continue to introduce this year’s theme The 5th Law of Momentum- The Power of Trust by looking more closely at the meaning of trust as it is defined in Jeremiah 17:7.  The title of our lesson this morning is, “Trust in the LORD, Who is Our Trust!”  First we will discover what it means to “Trust in” the LORD.  Reading Psalm 28:7 in context we will find that this “Trust” in the LORD is deeply personal and relational.  This “Trust” is deeply seated in the heart and provides great security in times of great insecurity.  When we read that the LORD is our Trust, this literally means that the LORD is our Hope and Confidence.  Again, in the context of Proverbs 22:19 we will discover that this total confidence and sure hope in the LORD’s power, protection, and help is founded upon our learning, applying, and practicing the truth of God’s word.  We will discover in subsequent sermons that “Truth” is the foundation of “Trust!”