Be Subject to One Another in the Fear of Christ
Special guest Phil Sutton for todays morning assembly.
Church of Christ
Special guest Phil Sutton for todays morning assembly.
Today we will work through the second point of last weeks sermon titled, “The Power to Choose the Direction of Your Momentum During Times of Affliction and Suffering!” As you might recall, I desire to begin to change a common paradigm regarding the response to suffering and affliction! In the human experience suffering and struggles are seemingly…
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This morning I desire to begin to change a common paradigm regarding the response to suffering and affliction! In the human experience suffering and struggles are seemingly every present in everyone’s life. People often respond and cope with these painful experience with anger, frustration, discouragement, depression, or apathy, with a sense of hopelessness. This morning…
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We are starting a New Year with a New Theme and focus for our sermons, Oregon Family Camp, and the G4 Summit Men’s Camp! The theme this year is “The 8th Law of Momentum – The Power of Suffering!” As most of you know I have decided to present the Scriptural standard for important timely biblical concepts that…
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Today’s sermon is titled,“The Sure and Steadfast Anchor of Our Soul”. This morning we will be focused on verses seventeen through twenty from Hebrews chapter six. In examining this passage of Scripture we will first answer many important questions regarding the “Anchor of Our Soul! What is the purpose of an anchor, where is our soul…
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Today’s sermon is titled,“Real Hope Needs Real Security – God’s Promise!”. This morning we will be focused on verses thirteen through seventeen from Hebrews chapter six. In examining this passage of Scripture we will first look at three passages of Scripture from Genesis in which God promises Abraham that He would grant him a child from…
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I will be concluding this year’s annual theme, The 7th Law of Momentum –“The Power of HOPE!”, with a three sermon series titled “We Have an Anchor that Keeps the Soul!” based on the passage of Scripture found in Hebrews 6:9-20. The first sermon in our final series is titled,“We are Called to Realize the Full Assurance of…
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Morning Assembly 12_08_24 Kirk Parks
I wonder what it would be like for a child longing to have his or her adoptive parents come to pick them up from the sad life situation that they were living in. In working with orphan children in Belarus, they long for parents to love them. Sadly, that country does not allow their children…
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I wonder what it would be like for a child longing to have his or her adoptive parents come to pick them up from the sad life situation that they were living in. In working with orphan children in Belarus, they long for parents to love them. Sadly, that country does not allow their children…
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