84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

Author: Brad McKinney

Church of Christ

Our Hope and Inheritance is Protected by God!

Jesus Christ reigns Supreme over all of Creation!   As the great Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Colossae, “For by Him all thing were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things have been created through Him and for Him.”   Peter tells…
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A Living Hope is Through His Inheritance!

May 12th Morning Assembly

God’s Great Mercy Secures Our Hope

Did you know that if it were not for the LORD’s deep and abiding mercy for mankind we would all be hopelessly lost?  This morning we will discover that our living hope has been and continues to be secured by Christ’s mercy!  This morning’s sermon title is “God’s Great Mercy Secures Our Hope!”  We will search the…
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Evidence of a Hope Filled, Abundant Life

This morning we will discover that the faith and hope of the saints of old was based on their conviction that God’s promise and provision was and and continues to be the hope of the resurrection of the dead unto life eternal with God.  Our lesson will begin with the Apostle Paul in chains giving…
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Hope is Abundant with Christ in Your Life!

“Hope is Abundant with Christ in Your Life!”  The New Testament is filled with passages of Scripture that speak of the great hope that Christians can and do experience through faith and obedience to the LORD’s word.  You see, we must understand that our hope is build on some very important and powerful foundational principles…
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There is No Hope Without God in this World!

This morning we begin a mini-series titled “Moving from a Hopeless to a Hope-Filled Life!” For a human being hopelessness can be defined in many ways. With a mind set on the carnal needs and wants in this world life can become hopeless very quickly. Even if a person’s life is filled with all good things they…
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Our Living Hope in Prophecy, Christ the LORD!

Praise the LORD, by His glorious design, those of us who are Christians have been born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead!  If you were able to join us in person or online last LORD’s Day morning we learned what it means to born again and what…
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We are Born Again to a Living Hope

It is great news to know that as humans, though we were were born into a world of broken dreams and a DEAD HOPE, we can be born again into a LIVING HOPE which provides a life of real meaning, purpose, joy, and peace in a world filled with disappointment and sorrow.  This promise is…
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The Hope of the Old Testament Faithfuls

This morning we will discover that the faith and hope of the saints of old was based on their conviction that God’s promise and provision was and and continues to be the hope of the resurrection of the dead unto life eternal with God.  Our lesson will begin with the Apostle Paul in chains giving…
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My Soul Waits for God Only

I love the old Hymn, “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand!”  So many of the old hymns and songs teach powerful Scriptural truths and this one speaks the truth when the lyrics speak, “My hope is built on nothing less that Jesus’ blood and righteousness.”  This morning we will delve into the meaning of Hebrews 10:19-23.  We…
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