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(541) 747-8740

His Presence-Your Face O LORD I Shall Seek!

Church of Christ

His Presence-Your Face O LORD I Shall Seek!

Text:Psalm 16:11 and Psalm 27:1-14

Introduction:God desires for you to seek His presence in our lives.  In the Hebrew language the word presence means to turn the face toward.  In the New Testament we are told to fix our eyes on Jesus, looking intently in the Mirror face to face!  Today, we will be exhorted by Psalm 27 to do just this. 

Point 1: LORD, You are My Light and My Confidence!

  • There is no fear if your confidence is in the Lord.
  • Do you have fear and worry in your life?
  • Do you really trust the Lord for protection and provision?
  • Is He your light? Is His character manifest in your life
  • Do you confidently live your life knowing He is your defense and protections?

Read:  1 Peter 3:13-17 and Romans 2:28

Point 2: Your House is my Refuge My Hiding Place!

  • Our security is in the Lord’s House, His family!
  • Is your desire to be a vital and participating part of the Lord’s house, His family?
  • Do you look at the beauty of the church body or do you focus on the problems?
  • Where do you turn or who do you turn to in the day of trouble? God’s family or self or people in the world?
  • If you put Christ and His family as highest priority in your life you will be blessed and your sacrifices of praise, thanksgiving, sharing and caring will be spontaneous and real.

Read:  1 Peter 2:4-9 and Hebrews 13:15-16

Point 3: Your Face, O LORD, I Shall Seek!

  • We must answer His call and seek His face always!
  • How is your prayer life? In times of distress where is your focus?  Who do you cry out to?  Who do you listen to?

Read:  Philippians 4:4-7

  • The LORD desire you would seek His face! The LORD desires you would always turn to Him and recognize who you are and where you are!  You are a child of the only true God!  You are seated with Him in Christ, in glory, at the right hand of power.

Read:2 Corinthians 3:18  and Hebrews 12:1-3

  • Why do we turn to others or ourselves in times of distress? Answer: We too often walk by sight and not by the faith of Christ.              

Point 4: LORD, Teach Me Your Way & To Wait for You!

  • The LORD is our strength and our courage!
  • Are you teachable and willing to follow, or are you stubborn, rebellious, and self-righteous? Do you read His word every day, listening and applying its principles, precepts and promises?

Read:Psalm 1:1-3

  • Why should we listen to and follow Christ’s leading?  Answer: The world is filled with enemies of God! Enemies who lie, slander, gossip, threaten and destroy! Read: 6:10-18, Phil 3:17-19 and 1 Pet. 2:11-12
  • What do you put your hope in? is your hope in this world and the things in this world?
  • Are you willing to wait on the Lord or do you run ahead and in your wisdom and understanding? To “wait for the LORD” means to be made strong and robust through and by the presence of the LORD in your every decision and every action.