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(541) 747-8740

In His Presence! Far Above Rule & Authority

Church of Christ

In His Presence! Far Above Rule & Authority

Text:Psalm 16:11  and Ephesians 1:18-23

Introduction: For Christians, it is important to realize the person we were before being redeemed is not the same person we are right now!  We are now sons and daughters of God, seat with Christ in the heavenly places far above all rule and authority.  It is important to embrace this truth and walk according to this spiritual reality.

Point 1: Jesus, the First-Born of the Dead Col. 1:18-23

  • What He Is…Makes Me What I Am!
  • Firstborn: Literally means the first of many! The root word “Protos” means foremost in time, place, order, and importance!  Jesus fits all of these.  The gospel, designed from before creation, included Jesus being the first man to be raised up and seated back in heaven with His Father!

Read: Eph. 1:3-4, 2 Thess. 2:13-14, Rom. 6:1-11, 1 Pet. 3:21 

  • …of all creation: Literally means formation or the creative act of building, specifically mankind. This means God has proprietorship over us. He owns all mankind by right of being designer, manufacturer, or Creator of all mankind.
  • Firstborn… is the protype or pattern for all men and women who are faithful to God through His gospel plan of salvation. 

Point  2: Jesus, the First-Born and Me! Eph. 2:1-7

  • What I Was… Is Not What I Am!
  • What I was…dead in my sins and transgressions. I lived according to the pattern of this world, the desires of the flesh, being a follower of the devil, and was by nature a child of wrath destined for eternal damnation.
  • But God saved…me being rich in mercy, grace, and His great love! He made us alive together with Christ having forgiven all our transgression and raised us up with Him and seated up with Him in the heavenly place in Christ Jesus!
  • What I Was… Is Not What I Am!
  • What and Where I Am…Right now I am alive with Christ and a witness of His grace. I have been raised up with Him and am now seated with Him in heavenly places. 

Point 3: Jesus, the First-Born and We!Rom. 8:29-30

  • What We Are… Is What Jesus Is!

Where We Are…Is Where Jesus Is!

  • We are…known by Him before He created the world. We have been called according to His eternal purpose and plan.  We are being conformed to His image of glory, His magnificent character!
  • So that…Jesus would be the first of many, the prototype for those who would walk by faith, being raised up dead, empowered to live a holy and blameless life like Him!
  • We are…right now, seated with Christ in heaven far above all earthly rule and authority. We have been glorified and are being glorified in Him so that people would be able to see God’s magnificent character in us!