84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

Author: Brad McKinney

Church of Christ

To Increase and Abound in Love

Bill Compton Sunday Assembly Sermon 8/1/2021

May the LORD Cause You to Increase & Abound in Love

Bill Compton Sunday Assembly 7/25/2021

Overcoming Bitterness to Persevere Through Love

I am back from my little vacation in Montana and am “Back in the Saddle!”  This morning’s lesson is titled, “Overcoming Bitterness to Persevere Through Love”  As we have learned in the last few lessons Love is the key foundational pillar for the perseverance of the saints in times of great distress, trial, difficult, and…
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Love One Another As I Have Loved You

Welcome to this weeks Sunday Assembly, this week guest preacher Brian Bragg helps us understand the importance of Loving One Another. Thank you for listening

The Greatest Loves in Life

Bill Compton discusses Jesus being our greatest Love in life and how we need to manifest the character of Christ to lead others to Him. Welcome to the morning assembly at Pleasant Hill Church of Christ for the morning of July 4th

Defining the Nature of God’s Love and Being HOT!

As we continue to in our series on the foundations for perseverance our lesson this morning is a continuation from our theme from the last two weeks. We desire that our love would not grow cold as it did in the first century church when Jerusalem was being surrounded and then destroyed by the Roman…
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Love Never Fails Part 2

This morning we will finish our Sermon from last week, “Love Never Fails but will We Fail to Love?” The truth that love never fails is an awesome truth but in order for love to fulfill it’s God designed purpose, Christians my embrace the truth that love is a verb, it is an action, it…
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Love Never Fails but will We Fail to Love?

It has been three weeks since I preached on the foundational concepts of Perseverance! I hope you remember the last several months we have been examining Faith and Hope as the first two of the three concepts of the foundation for our being able to persevere and endure all things. The “Faith of Christ” is…
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Love Endured All Things

It has been three weeks since I preached on the foundational concepts of Perseverance! I hope you remember the last several months we have been examining Faith and Hope as the first two of the three concepts of the foundation for our being able to persevere and endure all things. The “Faith of Christ” is…
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Why Are You So Happy?

Today Brian Bragg discusses Why are you so Happy? Brian discusses his transition into Church leadership and how to find joy even amongst the chaos of the world