84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

Preparing to Endure Survive and Thrive

Church of Christ

Preparing to Endure Survive and Thrive

And love, last week we are moving on to how we are called to “Survive and Thrive” in a very dynamic and every changing and challenging world.  We must begin with an understanding that there is nothing new under the sun and challenging times of affliction have always been a part of the life in Christ.  To begin this series we will look at what we must do to “Prepare” for a life of perseverance and endurance.  As you will see the LORD calls us to “Purge and Pursue” in order to live a life of faithful endurance and perseverance until He returns!  We begin this morning by returning to Hebrews 12:1-3 and more closely examining what is meant by laying aside “every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us.”  We will spend several weeks looking at the “Purging Process” to be set free to live the life we have been called to in Christ Jesus.  This morning, we will briefly look at what is meant by running the race set before us with in endurance but our focus will be on the Purge for now and then later we will focus on the Pursuit!