84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

The Power of the Truth Statement, “I Am!”

Church of Christ

The Power of the Truth Statement, “I Am!”

Text:John 18:37-38 and  John 14:7

Introduction: Who and what a person believes themselves to be will dictate their self-image, their words and actions.  To be genuine and sincere we must live according to the Truth statements made about us in the Scriptures

Point 1: Jesus said, “I Am the Way!

  • Walking in the footsteps of Jesus is more than a song!
  • The Way (3598) “Hodos”

Generally-A path, road, or way in which to go

Metaph. A course of conduct or manner of life based on faith, beliefs, convictions, choices, and feelings.

  • The faith of Christ-His convictions, motives, priorities, and interests must be ours.
  • Therefore…we must look to Jesus for the standard of our life and conduct. We must study God’s word to possesses His faith.

Hebrews 12:1-3 & Galatians 2:20

Point  2: Jesus said, “I Am the Truth! 

  • Jesus’ life is the perfect expression of Truth
  • Truth (225) “Aletheia”

Obj.-The absolute nature of God as manifest in the words and deeds of Jesus.

Subj.-Truth as personal excellence.  Candor of mind which is free from pretense, falsehood, or deceit.  The sincerity of mind and integrity of Character, a mode of life in harmony with divine truth.

John 17:17, 18:37-38, Eph. 4:20-21

  • ..Christ’s life in the flesh is the perfect standard for our lives as Christians.

Point 3: Jesus said, “I Am the Life!

  • The life of Christ is produced by the faith of Christ!
  • The Life (2222) “Zoe”

Generally- Spiritual life or vitality of being

Spec.-The life of God given to the incarnate Jesus, granted to us in and through the faith of Christ who is our life.

John 5:26, 3:15, Gal. 2:20, Col. 3:4

  • Therefore…we are to live the holy and righteous life of Christ by possessing the faith of Christ!

Practical Applications:

What did you find most helpful from today’s sermon?


Describe all the factors that influence one’s conduct and  manner of life?


According to Scripture what is “Real” or permanent and what is an “Illusion” or only temporary?


Understanding this, where should our energy and priorities in the use of time and energy be focused?


What characterizes the life of Christ?


Points for Prayer:

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