84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

The Love of Mom and The Love for Mom

Church of Christ

The Love of Mom and The Love for Mom

Happy Mother’s Day Everyone! 

“The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Is the Hand That Rules the World!” is the title of a poem written by William Ross Wallace that was first published in 1865.  The truth of this statement is powerfully true.  The influence of a faithful, God-fearing mother can have impacts in the world that are far reaching even into eternity!  This truth is a double edged sword and can mean the exact opposite.  What destruction can be done to a life if a mother does not follow God’s plan for motherhood.   How important it is to be a strong, faithful, woman of God when serving Him as a wife and mother! 

This morning I will be delivering a message titled, “The Love of Mom and The Love for Mom!”  If a mother loves as directed in the Scriptures that love will be tender, nurturing, while also being tough!  The love for a mother must be second only to God!  A child’s love must be honorable and sacrificial!  Our culture is crumbling because so many parents nor children are listening to, learning from, or living according to the truth of God’s word.  Profound can be the impact of mothers and children understanding and living according to the biblical calling for this powerful family relationship!