84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

Owning the Good Conscience of Christ

Church of Christ

Owning the Good Conscience of Christ

Text:Titus 1:5 and 1 Corinthians 2:16

Introduction:How does a person build their conscience.  Our conscience is the internal faculty by which we acquired the will of God to govern our lives.  It is the faculty which recognizes and distinguishes between good and evil prompting and commending good and rejecting and condemn evil.  We must possess, build, and manifest the good conscience of Christ! 

Point 1: It is Possible to Own the Conscience of Christ

  • The good constitution & nature of Christ can be Ours
  • Mark 10:17-18 & 1 Peter 3:21- We must recognize that our conscience can and must be reconciled or brought into alignment with God’s conscience.
  • Acts 23:1-Paul lived his life with a perfectly good conscience before God, so we can do the same.
  • 1 Corinthians 2:12-16-As Christians we have the indwelling presence of the Spirit. Therefore, we are given the mind of Christ and can know His will which will manifest His conscience. 

Point  2: How To Build and Manifest His Conscience

  • With resolve we must desire to do His good will

  • 1 Peter 3:8-11-We must desire and love that which is good! We must turn from evil and pursue Good.  We must desire and acquire the will of God through careful study of God’s Word. 
  • Romans 12:1-2-We must reject the world’s standard for life and renew our minds with God’s standard for every aspect of our lives. We must be committed to presenting every aspect of lives to God as a living and holy sacrifice that is pleasing to Him. 
  • Luke 8:15 / Matthew 13:23 / Mark 4:20-

In order to have a good conscience you must have a good heart.  A person with a good heart will listen to the Word of God, understand it, accept it, hold it’s truths fast with perseverance and manifest the character of Christ and bring others to a saving knowledge of Christ.

Practical Applications:

What is a good nature and a good constitution?  How might they differ from one another?  How are they related to one another?


How can we develop the desire to build and manifest an “Agathos” conscience?


In your opinion, why might it be difficult to be transformed by the renewing of our minds to manifest the will of God?


Describe how the word must be received to manifest the good fruit of a good conscience?


Points for Prayer:

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