84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

Truth Statement of Christ#4 “I AM THE LIGHT”

Church of Christ

Truth Statement of Christ#4 “I AM THE LIGHT”

Text:John 1:1-5 and Gospel of John 8:12

Introduction:  The Apostle John proclaims Jesus as the Light coming into the world to enlighten all peoples.  Jesus, Himself, proclaimed that He was the light of the world and all me should follow Him! 

Point 1: Jesus Christ is the Light of the world!

  • Jesus Christ is the manifest standard of real life!
  • Isaiah 9:1-2 Those in darkness will see a great and glorious light…a reference to Christ Jesus

*Hebrew  The word for light used in this verse  means flame or brilliant light of God. 

  • John 1:1-5 The light Jesus came to offer will shine on and expose the darkness in or lives.

*Greek  The word for light means To make to shine, make manifest, or illuminous. 

  • John 8:12 Jesus is the light of the world.  If  we follow Jesus’ life example and live by His faith we will not walk in darkness but have the light of life manifest in us. 
  • John 12:44-46 When we look to Jesus and believe Him, we are believing and seeing God the Father.  Jesus clearly defines and manifest the glorious character of God in and through His life in a human body.

Point  2: Christians are the Light of the World

  • Our lives can manifest the glorious character of God!
  • Matthew 5:14-16 Jesus said that we, His disciples are the light of the world!  This means that we are call and able to manifest His glorious character in our worlds and deeds. 
  • Ephesians 5:6-16 Now we are the light and as such we need to live as children of Light! We can and must manifest the fruit of light which is goodness, righteousness and truth.  We are to expose the darkness by our good deeds.

Conclusions:_Jesus is the Light that enlightens every person.

Practical Applications:

For you, what was the most important point or ideas shared during today’s sermon?


Take a moment and meditate on the statement, God is light.  What do you think this means?


What does it mean that in Christ is the life and this life is the Light of men?


What do you think Jesus means that Christians are the Light of the world?


What does it mean to walk as children of light and manifest the fruit of light?


Points for Prayer:

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