84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

Jesus Christ Our Great Deliverer and Hope

Church of Christ

Jesus Christ Our Great Deliverer and Hope

I am so thankful for the constancy of the LORD Jesus Christ!  He is our ever present Dread Champion and Compassionate Deliverer!  As you all well know, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!  For this reason when we read and study through 2 Corinthians 1:9-10 we can rejoice with great confidence and trust that Jesus has delivered us, is delivering us, and will deliver us on the last day!  Who do you place your hope in this life?  Jesus Christ is the one who has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into His kingdom eternal!  This morning will will examine Paul’s description of being delivered by Jesus Christ from so great a peril of death and then we will look at how Jesus has done the same for us.  Second, we will listen to Paul as he describes his ever present confidence and hope in the Christ’s daily provision of protection, strength, and deliverance during his afflictions and sufferings in the present life.  We will also listen to his encouragement about our deliverance by Jesus Christ throughout our lives of faithful service.  Finally, we will listen to Paul’s great confidence and assurance of the LORD’s deliverance to and reward at, the judgment seat of Christ and his hope for all those who eagerly and faithfully wait on the LORD Jesus Christ for redemption on the last day!