84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

Defining the Nature of God’s Love and Being HOT!

Church of Christ

Defining the Nature of God’s Love and Being HOT!

As we continue to in our series on the foundations for perseverance our lesson this morning is a continuation from our theme from the last two weeks. We desire that our love would not grow cold as it did in the first century church when Jerusalem was being surrounded and then destroyed by the Roman army. The LORD desires that our love and service to Him would red hot! Thus, the title of our sermon this morning is, “Defining the Nature of God’s Love and Being HOT!” To be what God has called us to be we must first realize the nature of God’s love, that it is the very standard for our lives! Jesus is the standard for the Christian and Jesus while He walked in the flesh was and still is the standard for God’s love. That is way the Scriptures are emphatic that we need to “fix our eyes on Jesus” who is the author and perfecter of our faith! We are to be zealous for the body of Christ! We are to be a people zealous for good deeds! We are also to be a people who are fervent and in prayer and fervent in our love for one another!