84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

Crushing the Schemes of Desires and Pleasures! Part 3

Church of Christ

Crushing the Schemes of Desires and Pleasures! Part 3

“Crushing the Schemes of Desires and Pleasures!” once again, is the title for our lesson this morning!  In the last two Lord’s Day we answered the questions, “What are these Desires and Pleasures?  and also Guarding our Hope against Desires and Pleasures of this World!”  Having defined these two schemes of Lust and Hedonism we illustrated them using the writings of the Apostle Paul and James the brother of our Lord.  Today, we will finish answering the question, “How can we guard our hope from being stolen by the desires and pleasures of the world?”  The answer of course is simple but the practice is challenging!  We need to have a renewed mind set when it comes to our lusts and pleasures.  We must hate what is evil and love what is good.  We need to be intentional about putting to death the deeds of the body and embracing the will of God for our body and our life.  We must recognize by faith that we are not our own but have been bought with a price.  It must be the LORD God we serve and not our own personal desires and interests.