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(541) 747-8740

Category: podcast

Church of Christ

The Victorious Faith of Christ- Purges, Possesses, Perseveres! Part 4

Morning Assembly for Dec 3rd.

The Victorious Faith of Christ- Purges, Possesses, and Perseveres!

The Scriptures teach us we overwhelmingly conquer through Christ who loves us!  Christ, through faith, victoriously conquered the devil, destroying his power over those of us who walk by the same faith as Christ.  This morning’s sermon is titled, “The Victorious Faith of Christ – Purges, Possesses, and Perseveres!”- Lesson #2  We will hear Christ’s call to…
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The Victorious Faith of Christ- Purges, Possesses, and Perseveres! Part 2

The Scriptures teach us we overwhelmingly conquer through Christ who loves us!  Christ, through faith, victoriously conquered the devil, destroying his power over those of us who walk by the same faith as Christ.  This morning’s sermon is titled, “The Victorious Faith of Christ – Purges, Possesses, and Perseveres!”  We will hear Christ’s call to Christians throughout…
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The Victorious Faith of Christ- Purges, Possesses, and Perseveres!

The Scriptures teach us we overwhelmingly conquer through Christ who loves us!  Christ, through faith, victoriously conquered the devil, destroying his power over those of us who walk by the same faith as Christ.  This morning’s sermon is titled, “The Victorious Faith of Christ – Purges, Possesses, and Perseveres!”  We will hear Christ’s call to Christians throughout…
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Victorious Belief-Jesus is Christ & Son of God!

It has been said countless times that fundamentals win games!  This concept is true in nearly any pursuit in life.  Just as there are foundational truths in building a strong resilient marriage and family so there are fundamental, cornerstone truths, upon which a victorious life in Christ can be achieved.  The one cornerstone truth that…
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Victorious Belief- Jesus is Christ & Son of God

It has been said countless times that fundamentals win games!  This concept is true in nearly any pursuit in life.  Just as there are foundational truths in building a strong resilient marriage and family so there are fundamental, cornerstone truths, upon which a victorious life in Christ can be achieved.  The one cornerstone truth that…
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What Does Victorious Faith Look Like?

Morning Assembly for 10/22/2023

Faith is the Victory that Overcomes the World!

“Faith is the Victory that Overcomes the World!”  What a great old hymn and the perfect title for today’s sermon!  Last weeks sermon title was “Faith in and of Christ, Produces A Reverential Fear of God Which Destroys the Fears Man!   This morning we continue to build our knowledge about the faith that give us the victory…
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Faith Produces A Reverential Fear of God Which Destroys Mans Fears

We must not forget the lessons we have learned about fearing the LORD and not fearing man!  We must remember what the reverential fear of the LORD is and what the reverential fear of the LORD is not!  We must be reminded consistently of the many blessings and rewards of possessing and walking in the…
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The Foundation of Fearing the LORD is Our Faith and Love for Him!

As we draw near to the end of the year we will study the two great foundational components of the Fear of the LORD.  The title of this introductory lesson is, “The Foundation for Fearing the LORD is Our Faith and Love for Him.”  As we grow in our knowledge of who Jesus is and we…
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