84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

Building Our Trusting the LORD – Takes Effort

Church of Christ

Building Our Trusting the LORD – Takes Effort

Building our trust in the LORD takes more than time, it takes effort.  We must be committed to examining the many amazing and astonishing truths that reveal the second cornerstone of trust in Jesus which is His perfect and power filled Competence.  Jesus does all things well!  This morning we will look at where we need to start in our effort to come to know Jesus as the masterful Creator, perfect Redeemer, Sovereign Lord.  As our omnipotent Creator, He created all things perfect in six days.  Each day of Creation reveals His perfect power, wisdom and artistry!  As our all knowing and gracious Redeemer, He has prepared the way for all peoples to escape the snare of the devil through the perfect sacrifice of Himself.  As our Sovereign Lord, He is the KING of kings and LORD of Lords over all both in the heavens and on earth.  All peoples and heavenly beings must bow the knee to the perfect and eternal Authority of our LORD!