84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

Author: Brad McKinney

Church of Christ

The Power of His Presence- “The Time of Regeneration and Renewing”

The Title of this morning’s sermon is The Power of His Presence- “The Time of Regeneration and Renewing by His Spirit!”  Once again, today we will look at the exciting truth that we are in a time, a season, when we have been given the Spirit of Christ and if we are willing and responsive He will bring…
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The Power of His Presence- “Times of Restoration as His Children in the Spirit!”

I am excited to share what I have discovered about the “Times of Refreshing” which you will see this morning is also called the “Period of Restoration.”  We will expand our understanding of the characteristics of the “These Days” and realize just how important it for us to understand these truths and apply them.

The Power of Presence- “The Times of Refreshing in the Lord”

This week we transition into our last quarter of sermons related to our annual theme, “The Third Law of Momentum, The Power of Presence!”  This morning is a foundation or might I say, Cornerstone lesson for this last series of sermons on the Power of His Presence!  We will begin this series with the lesson…
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Power in His Presence! Eternal Prosperity & Pleasures in HIS Service

This morning will be the second in a three lesson series on “Power in HIS Presence! -Eternal Prosperity & Pleasures in His Service!”  We will be do a careful study of Romans 12:1-2 and determine what is the sacrificial service that is well-pleasing to God.  The sacrificial service that is according to His will for us in…
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Power in His Presence- Eternal Prosperity & Pleasures in Serving the LORD!

We are moving on to the next “Pleasure Forever at the Right Hand of God.”  I have provided sermon note sheets for those who like to keep organized notes on sermons.

In His Presence “Riches of Heaven”

Lesson Coming Soon