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(541) 747-8740

Category: podcast

Church of Christ

In the Hope of Eternal Life!

There is hope of eternal life for those who are in Christ Jesus!  In the first of several sermons titled “In the Hope of Eternal Life,” we will examine the prerequisites of securing eternal life.  In Matthew 22:14, Jesus said, “For many are called, but few are chosen” regarding eternal life.  Today we will begin to learn and understand…
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Honey, Wisdom, and Hope for Life!

“Honey, Wisdom, and Hope for Life!” might be a humorous title for today’s sermon but the power of a few verses found in Proverbs can provide important direction and blessings for our lives!  The LORD is awesome in His amazing examples and clear direction to experience real hope, purpose, meaning, and pleasure in this life and…
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Jesus Christ is Our Only Hope

“Jesus Christ is Our Only Hope!” It doesn’t take too much time to consider the validity of the statement, Jesus Christ is our only hope.  The only sure and constant things in this life is change and death.  Indeed, from a carnal perspective everything in this life will either change or pass away!  To put your…
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What are You Living For?

“What are you living for?” This is a great question that has eternal consequences!  For those who choose to muse upon this question they will come to realize it is a matter of hope.  If you live like and for the world and the things of the world which are passing away you are living in…
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Crushing the Schemes of Desires and Pleasures! Part 3

“Crushing the Schemes of Desires and Pleasures!” once again, is the title for our lesson this morning!  In the last two Lord’s Day we answered the questions, “What are these Desires and Pleasures?  and also Guarding our Hope against Desires and Pleasures of this World!”  Having defined these two schemes of Lust and Hedonism we illustrated…
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Crushing the Schemes of Desires and Pleasures Part 2

“Crushing the Schemes of Desires and Pleasures!” once again, is the title for our lesson this morning!  Last Lord’s Day we answered the question, “What are these Desires and Pleasures?”  Having defined these two schemes of Lust and Hedonism we illustrated them using the writings of the Apostle Paul and James the brother of our Lord, …
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Crushing the Schemes of Desires and Pleasures!

Sunday Assembly for Sunday July 21, 2024.

Overcoming the Deceitfulness of Riches!

Have you ever heard the old saying, “Money is a wonderful tool but a terrible Master!”  Money and the riches of this world are not evil in and of itself.  The problem is found in our lustful desires for it and all that it can do to us if we choose to live for it…
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Overcoming Temptations and Worries!

This morning we continue our latest mini series of sermons regarding Hope!  As you may recall the title of this series is “Holding On to Hope in Trials, Temptations, and Tribulations!”  Today we continue our study on the subtle ways Satan works to distract, discourage, and destroy our hope in Christ.  We will finish our sermon, “Overcoming Temptations…
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Overcoming Temptation and Worries of the World!

As you may recall the title of this series is “Holding On to Hope in Trials, Temptations, and Tribulations!” and our sermon last week was titled, “The Subtle Schemes to Steal Our Hope”  Today we will be preaching on how to overcome two of the four schemes, namely temptations and the worries of the world!  In our first…
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