84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740

Category: podcast

Church of Christ

It is Hard to Beat Someone Who Never Gives Up!

As Christians in the United States we have not been persecuted as in other nations and have suffered little.  As we broaden our horizon and have a more international perspective we realize this is not the norm for so many countries around the world.  Realizing the blessing we have enjoyed in the past, now we…
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How to Be Courageous When Facing the Fear of Persecution and Suffering

As Christians in the United States we have not been persecuted as in other nations and have suffered little.  As we broaden our horizon and have a more international perspective we realize this is not the norm for so many countries around the world.  Realizing the blessing we have enjoyed in the past, now we…
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Conquering the Fear of Death- Through Real Faith and Trust in God!

This morning we will examine how to conquer the fear of man!  I have found that this fear plagues so many of us whether it is the fear of what others might be thinking of us or a fear of physical harm that might be inflicted by others.  As other fears this is real and debilitating.  Let…
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Conquering the Fear of Death

In our quest to answer the question how can a Christian conquer the fear of death we discovered as Christians we need to serve the LORD responsibly in duty and devotion.  We also learned last week that to believe and trust in Christ Jesus as the one and only Sovereign who knows every thought, every…
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Conquering the Fear of Death- Through Understanding God’s Sovereignty

In the last sermon about Conquering the Fear the Death- Through Duty and Devotion we found that the man or woman who is completely yielded to God’s will and committed to serving Him from both duty and devotion, will stand their ground and live for Him until their last breath. This morning I want to…
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Be Godfident

We continue our study of Conquering the Fear of Death.  This morning we will discover that fear is real, it is debilitating, and it is immobilizing if you don’t know how to conquer it.  Some outside of Christ have conquered fear but sadly not the eternal consequences.  We will discover how some  mortal, carnal men…
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Conquering the Fear of Death- Through Duty and Devotion

We continue our study of Conquering the Fear of Death.  This morning we will discover that fear is real, it is debilitating, and it is immobilizing if you don’t know how to conquer it.  Some outside of Christ have conquered fear but sadly not the eternal consequences.  We will discover how some  mortal, carnal men…
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Conquering the Fear of Death

This simple sentence describes the culmination of the LORD’s awesome plan to set millions of people free from the fear of death and secure their souls in heaven with Him!  This morning we will begin a mini series titled, “Conquering the Fear of Death!”  We will examine the resurrection of Christ from past, present, and…
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Choose Wisdom and the Fear of the LORD

The denominational world calls this LORD’s Day, Palm Sunday.  The LORD calls it a day of remembrance and decision!  Today, will you Choose or Refuse the call of wisdom and the fear of the LORD?  The Scriptures are clear and concise, choosing wisdom and to fear the LORD will result in enduring wealth, honor, and Life,…
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Fear the LORD and Our Faith & Love

In remembering and meditating on the words of the Apostle Paul, “I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but rubbish so that I that I may gain Christ…” we ought to be moved to…
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