84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740


Church of Christ

The Power of the Truth Statement, “I Am!”

Text:John 18:37-38 and  John 14:7 Introduction: Who and what a person believes themselves to be will dictate their self-image, their words and actions.  To be genuine and sincere we must live according to the Truth statements made about us in the Scriptures Point 1: Jesus said, “I Am the Way! Walking in the footsteps of…
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A Hypocrite’s Judgment, Fault-Finding, & Healing

Text:Matthew 7:1-5 Introduction:  As has been shared in previous lessons, one of the character qualities of hypocrites is that they are fault-finders.  As fault finders who do the same or similar things they will be more harshly judged by God. Point 1: God’s Judgment of Hypocrites! Verses 1 &2 Hypocrites beware! God is just in…
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A Hypocrite’s Judgment, Fault-Finding, & Healing

Text:Matthew 7:1-5 Introduction:  As has been shared in previous lessons, one of the character qualities of hypocrites is that they are fault-finders.  As fault finders who do the same or similar things they will be more harshly judged by God. Point 1: God’s Judgment of Hypocrites! Verses 1 &2 Hypocrites beware! God is just in…
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Beware of the Levain of the Hypocrite

Text:Luke 12:1 and Matthew 23:13 Introduction: The opposite of sincere, genuine Christianity is hypocrisy.  We must be very aware of the hypocrites, “Cosmetic-Counterfeit Christianity.”   We must also be aware of possible hypocritical tendencies in ourselves.  Point 1: Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees! Luke 12:1 Luke is warning us and defines their leaven. What…
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The 8 Deadly Woes of The Hypocrite

Text:Philippians 2:19-22 and Matthew 23:1-33 Introduction:  It is important to check a supposed brother or sister’s fruit.  Many will say “Lord, Lord” but Jesus will say “I never knew you.”   It is also, as stated before, to check your own fruit and motives behind your actions.  Hypocrites will not be getting into heaven. Point 1:…
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Text:Proverbs 17:17 and  John 15:13 Introduction:We are in the age of “Facebook Friendship”  It seems as if the meaning of friendship and true friendship is being diminished by this social media platform.  Could the Facebook Façade be the catalyst for friendship facade?  Sounds counterfeit to me… let’s take a real look at genuine friendship.  Point…
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The Character Of “Genuine Friendship”

Text:Proverbs 17:17 and  John 15:13 Introduction:We are in the age of “Facebook Friendship”  It seems as if the meaning of friendship and true friendship is being diminished by this social media platform.  Could the Facebook Façade be the catalyst for friendship facade?  Sounds counterfeit to me… let’s take a real look at genuine friendship.  Point…
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Am I The True Child In The Faith Of Christ?

Text:1 Timothy 1:2  and  Philippians 2:19-22 Introduction:  We are told by the Apostle Paul to “Test ourselves to see if we are in the faith.”  To do this we must honestly ask if we are a true child in the faith.  We need to examine our motives and reasoning behind our conversion and our present…
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Finding Favor for Conscience’ Sake before God!

Text:1 Peter 2:13-20  and  Romans 13:1-7 Introduction:There is a huge difference between internal and external motivation.  There is also a big difference between our love for God and His purpose and the fear of the Law and its punishments.  Once again the lesson will be about doing the right thing for conscience sake in the…
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Loves Limitation of Liberty For Conscience Sake

Text:Timothy 1:5 and 1 Corinthians 10:23-33 Introduction: We all know that love edifies but knowledge can make a person arrogant.  So, we must be careful of what we approve of and practice as it may cause a younger Christian sin.  It could also turn outsiders away from Christ  Point 1: The Principle’s Point- Is it…
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