84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740


Church of Christ

The Power of HIS Presence God’s Love Part 1

Text:Acts 3:19 and Romans 5:1-5 Introduction: Through faith we are justified and receive the grace of God through the sacrifice of Christ.  In this grace we stand and rejoice in the glory of God and times of tribulation as it builds our character through perseverance and hope.  In this salvation the love of God is…
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How to Overcome by The Power of The Word Of God

Guest Sermon By Jeff Drillinger

The Power of HIS Presence

Text:Acts 3:19 and Galatians 2:20 Introduction:The power of His presence begins with the  indwelling presence of His holy Spirit in our bodies.  To have a life that is renewed and brings refreshment to those around is one that must have the old man removed and replaced with Christ. Point 1: HIS indwelling Presence begins at…
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Faith Comes From Hearing The Word Of God

Guest Speaker Jeff Drullinger

The Power Of Our Presence In Fellowship By: Jeremy Wilson

If you did not get a chance to go to Oregon Family Camp in March 2020 you missed out on some great sermons from brethren from all over our great country. Here is just one of the speakers who brought their perspective of The Power Of Presence in Fellowship. Welcome Jeremy Wilson a Brother in…
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The Whole Purpose of the Power of Presence!

Text:Romans 8:28-30 and Colossians 3:9-15 Introduction: The whole purpose of God’s presence in you is that His glory would be imparted to your life.  The whole purpose for you to “draw near to God” and be found “in him” is to possess the riches of His glory in your life.  The whole purpose of your…
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Oregon Family Camp 2020

Friday February 21-Sunday February 23rd The writer of Hebrews encourages us to, “run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Brethren the Christian life is a  marathon! We must gain and maintain momentum in this life to finish strong and help others to do the same! In order to do this I have…
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Draw Near and Abide in His Presence!

Title:Draw Near and Abide in His Presence! Text:James 4:8 and Hebrews 10:19-25 Introduction: His presence in our lives brings joy and peace, but we cannot truly experience this joy and peace unless we are present in and with Him. Point 1: Draw Near to Him in Spiritual Presence! We are called to be spiritually present…
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The LORD, His Presence and the Life We Choose!

Text: Genesis 3:8-9, Psalm 139:1-24, and Luke 15:11-32 Introduction: The Lord is present in every place, at all time, without exception.  This is called the Omnipresence of God.  We will answer the question of what does the omnipresence of God mean and also what our response should be to His omnipresence in our lives. Point…
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The Three Facets of the Power of Presence!

Text:Genesis 3:8-9 and Exodus 33:7-11 Introduction: There is no substitute for face-to-face presence in a person’s life.  As a Christian Christ must be present in your body through His Holy Spirit.  You must also be present in His life.  We also need to be fully present in other people’s lives.  Point 1: The Power of…
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