84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740


Church of Christ

G4 Summit 2020


In His Presence- “Make known…the Path of Life!”

Text:Psalm 16:11 and  Psalm 25:1-5 Introduction: You would not have believed me if I told you that these protests, riots, and looting has been planned for decades.  It is what is called an “Organic Revolution” but it is not so organic.  It is a well thought out plan to destroy the Judeo-Christian culture we still…
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His Presence-Your Face O LORD I Shall Seek!

Text:Psalm 16:11 and Psalm 27:1-14 Introduction:God desires for you to seek His presence in our lives.  In the Hebrew language the word presence means to turn the face toward.  In the New Testament we are told to fix our eyes on Jesus, looking intently in the Mirror face to face!  Today, we will be exhorted…
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In His Presence! Far Above Rule & Authority

Text:Psalm 16:11  and Ephesians 1:18-23 Introduction: For Christians, it is important to realize the person we were before being redeemed is not the same person we are right now!  We are now sons and daughters of God, seat with Christ in the heavenly places far above all rule and authority.  It is important to embrace…
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The Power of His Presence- The Mystery, His Riches, His Power

Text:Acts 3:19  and  Ephesians 1:1-21 Introduction: Only the indwelling presence of God’s Spirit can bring refreshing restoration to our lives!  Only the mystery which is, Christ in you bring about the glorious character and the influential power of His life to our lives and society!  In today’s lesson we will define what the Mystery is,…
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The Power of Presence! His Mega Power Within!

Text:Ephesians 1:18-20 and  Ephesians 3:14-21 Introduction: “Everybody wants to change the world!” was the line from the chorus of a popular song back in 80’s.  It was all about POWER!  Power to change your life!  Power to influence others to change their lives!  Power to change the world and human history!  As Christians we possess…
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Power In His Presence- The Riches of His Glory

Text:2 Thessalonians 2:13-14  and  Ephesians 1:18 Introduction:We need to be reminded that we were saved, justified by His blood, sanctified by His Spirit, so that we may share the glorious character of our Lord Jesus Christ.  In this lesson we will answer three questions.  What is, His inheritance in the saints?  What are the riches…
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Power In His Presence-The Hope of His Calling

Text:Ephesians 1:18  and Matthew 22:1-14 Introduction: Three little words have profound, far reaching, and eternal consequences.  The three words are, “Hope,” “Called,” and “Chosen.”  Only those who have been called and chosen by God have any real hope in this life and in the life to come.  In this lesson a disciple will learn how…
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In HIS Presence! Far Above All Rule & Authority

Text: Psalm 16:11  and  Ephesians 1:1-3; 15-23 Introduction: In Christ Jesus we have been given every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.  In light of being chosen in Him from before the foundation of the world Paul prays that we would know what we have been given by God. His prayer is that we would…
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Power of HIS Presence! Distinguishing Character

Text:Psalm 16:11 and Exodus 33:12-16 Introduction:To be in the presence of God transforms our thinking and our lives.  By being in His presence He is able to show us the path of life.  In walking in the path of life, literally to walk in the way of eternal life we find blessings and favor with…
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