84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740


Church of Christ

Reflections on 2021. A Year of Perseverance!

Bill Compton preaches on Reflections in 2021. A Year of Perseverance!

Mary- God’s Humble, Persevering Servant!

This morning we shall discover Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a woman of great character, conviction and perseverance!  At this time of the year many turn their attention to the birth of Jesus.  There is much more to the story of Mary’s life than the birth of Jesus.  She was a woman of impeccable…
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Our Mindset- Blessed, Rejoicing, and Shining!

It seems that there are many more sermons that need to be preached before the year is past so I will focus on finishing up and “Putting a Bow” on this year’s series of lessons.  This morning we will examine the words of Christ.  The title of the lesson is “Our Mindset for Perseverance- Blessed,…
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Timothy- The Persevering Suffering Servant

I am deeply thankful for the truth of God’s words.  The LORD designed His word to challenge our thinking, pierce our hearts, empower us to serve Him fearlessly and to wipe away every reason or excuse that would keep us from serving Him.  This morning I will bring forth another example of great courage and…
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Paul’s Perseverance in Persecution

We continue our quest of examining those who have gone on before us and have set the example of perseverance and endurance in the face of overwhelming trials and persecutions.  As we turn our attention to the New Testament examples we will begin with the Apostle Paul.  He was a Christian man who endured much…
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Noah- Man of Faith, Character, and Perseverance

Our next great example of Perseverance is one of the greatest examples of “Long Suffering” and “Enduring Perseverance,” the man Noah!  We will learn that Noah was a man of great faith, faithfulness, righteous character, and enduring perseverance.  We will discover he had a faith very similar to Abraham the father of the faithful.  We…
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Job’s Example of Great Endurance & Perseverance

As we close in on the end of the year we will finish by examining several examples of great men and women of character who faithfully endure hardship and ill treatment without wavering.  This morning we will take a closer look at the man Job.  James speaks of him as one of the great examples…
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Great Examples of Perseverance from both the Old and New Testaments

Good Lord’s Day Morning Brethren!  As we near the end of the year and our annual theme of “The Power of Perseverance” we will turn our attention some great examples of perseverance from both the Old and New Testaments.  To introduce this mini-series of lessons we will examining the passage from James 5:1-11.  We will…
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Pray for His Presence, Power, and Perseverance!

As we move on to our last series for our this year’s theme, The Power of Perseverance, I will begin with prayer… a sermon on how to pray for perseverance for ourselves and for the brethren.  The title of the sermon “Pray for His Presence, Power, and Perseverance!”   We will discover the reason we should…
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Prepare to Endure- Consider Jesus

We will be concluding our mini series titled “The Power of Perseverance- Preparing to Endure!”  This morning’s sermon Is titled “Consider Jesus…!”   We are told by the writer of Hebrews that we need to fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.  This is exactly what we will do this morning…
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