84735 Flathead Avenue Pleasant Hill, Oregon
(541) 747-8740


Church of Christ

Fear Manifests a Lack of Trust in God!

This morning we continue with our mini series speaking to those things in our human experience that serve as signs or symptoms that we lack real trust in the LORD.  Fear is one of those symptoms that manifest our need to be more focused on the LORD and His promise of provision and protection.  The…
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Anger Manifests a Lack of Trust in God

This morning we continue with our mini series of lessons identifying the “Spiritual Symptoms” of a lack of Trust in the LORD.  Last week we identified “Worry” or “Anxiety” as revealing a possible lack of trust in God and His provision.  This week we will examine how “Anger” often times will reveal a lack of…
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Anxiety Manifests a Lack of Trust in God!

Today we will last weeks lesson begins a series of studies about our responses to this life and the challenges we are and will face which may reveal we need to work on building our trust in the LORD!  Worry or anxiety is one behavioral response which reveals our need to build our trust in…
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Anxiety Manifests a Lack of Trust in God!

This new day is filled with amazing hope and promise from the LORD.  Whether sunshine or rain, the LORD is ever present in our lives!Today, will we be Winners or Worriers?   Today, will we view the world in Awesome Wonder or Anxious Concern?  The answer to these questions is based upon your trust or lack of…
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Brian Bragg Sunday Assembly 5/29/2022

We are excited to have Brian Bragg join us this Sunday for Assembly.

Knowing Christ Builds Confidence and Trust

Knowing Christ Builds Confidence and Trust We continue to dig deeper into the meaning of 2 Timothy 1:12 as it relates to “Knowing Christ Jesus” our LORD so that our confidence and trust is in Him and not in ourselves as we learn in 2 Corinthians 1:9.  This morning we will examine the concepts of…
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The Three ‘Unashamed,’ Ones Who Trust in Him

I am still deeply thankful that I have been called according to His power, purpose, and grace!  I am eager and enthusiastic to live His life and proclaim His word, the gospel of glory and peace!  I am not ashamed of the One who has called me out of darkness into His marvelous light. We…
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The Three Unashamed, Ones Who Trust In Him!

I am so thankful that I have been called according to His power, purpose, and grace!  I am eager and enthusiastic to live His life and proclaim His word, the gospel of glory and peace!  I am not ashamed of the One who has called me out of darkness into His marvelous light.  This is…
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Sunday Assembly w/ Jeff Drullinger

Welcome to Sunday Assembly. Jeff Drullinger will be giving the sermon this morning. Thank you for listening.

How Do I Trust Him?- He is Able to Guard Me!

Today we will examine the question,  What does it mean, “Is Christ able to guard my eternal life which I have entrusted to Him?”  This is an extremely important question as it has impact on every facet of our lives.  If we do not know, believe, and are convinced He is able to guard our…
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